Visvang SA winter fishing program is all about fishing in the Winter months to show the anglers that the myth that you can’t fish in the winter is not true. With this program Visvang SA gives a open invitation to all bait manufacturers to take part in this program. Visvang SA does not send private invites to ensure that the manufacturers that do take part is with the program on there own decision.
What we want to achieve with the winter fishing program is
- Fishing from 1 May to 31 August
- What products give us fish
- How to use the products during winter months
For the past 3 years we had a lot of manufacturers that took part in the winter fishing and some of them are not big brands but the products worked and we could wright a report on it. Under die Blogposts on the menu you will find the previous reports.
2020 Visvang SA winter fishing program will start on the 1st of May 2020 and will end on the 31st of August 2020. We do the fishing day on a Wednesday but with special arrangements we can do it on a Saturday. We fish on the Manapools camp at Vosrite Fishing Adventure venue to ensure that all fish the same spot. As winter you can’t predict the weather for the day but if it is very bad we move the day to another date.
No Pre Feeding allowed during the winter fishing program so the manufacturers come and fish as is for the day. We do cater for specimen angling but that will be from the Tuesday afternoon till the Wednesday afternoon so specimen businesses are also welcome to take part.
Below is the list of manufacturers that already confirmed to take part in the 2020 program…. if you do not see you product that you use here invite them to our facebook page to confirm there that they want to take part in the program.
Visvang SA main sponsor this year is Legends Pro Angling Shop in Sasolburg. They will supply Visvang SA with the end tackle that is needed to do the program. They will also have special deals on their online shop for Visvang SA readers. You are welcome the visit the website at https://legendsproangling.com/, the online shop will be up and running soon.
List of Manufacturers taking part this season….
- AJ Dips
- LL Signature Series
- Jumbo Fishing
- Fishing Monkeys
- Fishalot
- Hooked on Fishing
- Big Daddy Baits
- Legends Legacy Series By Barend Breedt
- Venom Baits
- AWA Baits
- SRA – Shawn Rush
- Super Cast
- Dezzies Angling
Thank you to all that confirmed for now and invitation still open till the 1st of May.