Don’t go to Vosrite

There were requests from some of my colleagues, friends and even strangers to do this in English,  so here it is: This is my first attempt writing a blog in English so bear with me.

For the Afrikaans version:

I was once again forced to go to Vosrite on 1 May 2019. I was threatened and bullied into going. Let me tell you about this unfortunate day.

We got up at four in the morning to be punished. Got to this damn Vosrite venue just after six and met the people at Manapools camp site. We quickly prepared our angling gear ready and started this torture.

I decided that since I had to be here I going to try something a bit different on my left rod today. I used a hair rig (not even sure what’s the correct terminology as I’m a bank angler but anyway…) with a popup and cast it into the stream.

On the right hand rod I used a G-fox float with half a custard bullet on the bottom hook and just the other half of the bullet on the top hook. On the ground bait (hence forth the “bol”) I added LLSS (Loutjie Louwies Signature Series) Grasgogga and Tjop-Tjop. That Loutjie-guy that always forces his product down my throat.

About ten minutes after the second cast I got a nice reel run and caught a smallish catfish. I repeat and after the first two hours I have five of the little catfish (still a nice fight though). In the mean time I am also preparing my daughter’s rods. Unfortunately she was also here to get punished…). I want to teach her how to target muddies. We get her rods in with Almond bullets on the hooks and Tokkelosi and Lodewyk on the bol.

Not long and she starts get the little catfish as well (but for her one hell of a fight and a lot of fun). Just after nine ‘o’clock I get a decent run again. This time it’s a decent size catfish on the same combo as before (accept SWD instead of the bullets) This one pulled the scale to 10.4kg and gave me a good fight since I’m on light tackle, or maybe he was shy?

So the day progresses and later the catfish got calmer or went to sleep, or whatever it is they do and eventually the muddies starts coming through. We caught a few between 1.4 and 1.7kg. Disclaimer: I did not tell her to kiss the muddie, she did that out of her own 😀

Te carps was not in the mood to bite, but if you use the correct bait and the right people advises you then the carps cannot resist. I made as few changes during the day to try and get a nice carp and eventually returned to my original combo. Very soon it started working again and eventually just before three ‘o’clock I end my day with a beauty carp of 6.86kg.

This is where it got bad. Now we have to pack up and go home. It’s very sad to pack up and go.

Lastly I want to warn everybody again not to go to Vosrite. Don’t go if you want to witness breathtakingly beautiful scenery and views. Don’t go if you want to feel welcome and greeted with open arms and most probably a hug. Don’t go if you want to catch awesome fish that fights the way we like it. Don’t go if you want to have a clean, private, safe and quiet camp site with facilities. You will fall in love with Vosrite and the people. It’s punishment to know you have to go home eventually. You will feel bullied into going because you cannot say “No” anymore. You will “bully” yourself if you miss one opportunity to go to Vosrite again. I warned you.

My daughter and I caught about 18 fish in an 8 hour session. The popup did not work the whole day, but I wanted to give it a try. I would have caught a lot more if I caught with two rods. My daughter caught with two rods and hook baits were mostly SWD and worms.

Henning’s son Zander caught his PB carp of 7.91 kg that afternoon as well and Shaun sitting next to him caught his PB muddie of  1.81kg. There were two other gents behind the trees that caught a few fish as well but I did not keep track of what they caught. I know what worked well for them was normal Koo mielies.

Henning: Thank you to you and your family for another great day. It’s always a pleasure.

Another thanks to that Loutjie Louwies guy as well that forces me to use his products – because it works! LLSS remains my favourite.

Greetings everyone. Should you have any queries please comment below and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing, or even better enjoyed the fishing.

Stywe lyne vriende.

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Hi almal. My visvang-bynaam is Tossel. Ek het 'n blog geskryf waar dit vandaan kom... : Vir jare het ek gehoop die naam verdwyn maar nou is dit maar so. En ek's trots op hom, so dis hoe julle my nou sal leer ken. Ek is ‘n 43 jarige sosiale hengelaar wat hengel vandat ek kan onthou. My Pa het my begin leer en saam hom en baie ander mense het ek oor die jare baie meer geleer en liewer geword vir papgooi. Ek het die proewe en SA’s ding gedoen jare terug maar nou geniet ek die sport sonder die politiek. Ek hengel saam Pro-Social Hengelklub vanaf 2014 en geniet dit onsettend baie, julle moet ons kom besoek. Julle raak dalk verslaaf soos ek :D. In 2019 het ek en Henning Vosloo Vosrite Hengelklub begin en is ook no doening met die nuwe klub, sover het on ook baie fun daar:

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